6th of October, 22'
How To Share Multiple Links on Slack, Properly.
Your team will love you for it.
If you're looking for the button to add Hero to Slack, look no further!
Who doesn't love Slack? Well, Microsoft… but that's beside the point.
How many times have you found yourself sharing a link with someone on Slack, only to lose it forever?
And how many times did you try to share multiple links with someone, only to cram the entire channel with URLs?
Sharing links may seem like a mundane task, but since we're so used to doing it, we tend to give them the benefit of the doubt. What doubt?
That multiple links shared together in one message won't look… messy.
Table of Contents
1. The Best Slack App for Sharing Links with your Team
When a link is shared on a social platform that allows sharable content, the inner workings of the platform fetch important information about that link and display the information in a nice, succinct preview.
This preview usually includes an image, a title, and depending on the platform, a description. A link preview looks like this:

This often gives adequate information about the page the link is describing.
However, when you're sharing a links list, or as all of us at Hero call it, a Space, it's hard to gauge from the link preview what the contents of the page actually are.
Luckily, Slack provides an amazing platform that allows companies to build on top of their framework, and we've done exactly that!
2. How to Share Multiple Links in Slack
When Hero first launched, the Space links you shared had the default image, title, and description.
Many moons have passed, and we're proud to present our new, free Slack app!
The Hero Slack app lets you see the contents of the link shared with you, without even having to open the page or click the link!
For example, this is what a Space looks like in your browser:

And with the new Hero Slack app, this is what a shared Space will look like in your channel:

Cool, right?
Not only does this keep your Slack channels neat and decluttered, but if you commit to sharing Spaces, as opposed to a raw-text list of links, you'll never lose your links in Slack again!
Perhaps someone asks you if you could share the same links you shared two months ago; Instead of aimlessly scrolling to find the links, you already know you shared a Space, so you open Hero, and it's right there, ready to be shared!
We know, sharing links is so simple, why create a solution that simplifies what is already simple?
We simplify what is already simple because more often than not, simple can become disorganized, cluttered, and messy.
Not to get deep, but… links are all around us. Links serve as portals to the many worlds of the internet, we can't just keep them lying around, waiting to be lost!
3. How to Hyperlink in Slack, and Show Multiple Links
But wait, there's more.
It's true that when you share a link in Slack, Hero can display the contents of the page. But Hero can also detect hyperlinks!
What is a Hyperlink? A Hyperlink is a normal link, disguised as plain text! You might recognize them in articles, blog posts, product pages, and more. For example, this text is a hyperlink.

So now that we understand the idea of a Hyperlink, why is it useful to us if we want to share links in Slack?
Because you can transform your average message, into a stunning feature piece that will blow your colleagues away!
For example, let's say you were training an intern, and you wanted to send them some resources to help them get settled in on their first week.
The old way to do this quickly was either linking them to a Google Docs page or pasting all the links in one message.

Thankfully, with the help of Hero, you can share a list of links in a hyperlink, and your message will be transformed into a professional-level statement, reining with confidence, and overflowing in quality.
There are many reasons you would want to share a list of links in Slack, here are just a few.
1. If you're a recruiter, you could send a list of links of potential candidates for a listing.
2. If you're a developer, you could send a list of links to articles on why people shouldn't be allowed to buy loud keyboards and use them at work.
All jokes aside, if you're anyone at all, we're sure you know what links you share every day, and we don't want to pretend as if we know you. We don't, but we want to help you communicate your passion for collecting, creating, and organizing lists professionally.
We want to make sure you never have to look for a link again or edit a message because you thought you sent too many links. We want you to rely on us to safely and securely share your links with friends, family, and frankly… anyone in the world!
But, what if someone else is sharing a list of links with you?
Save it.
4. How to Save Links Shared in Slack
It's your lucky day, Hero isn't just some link-building tool, it's a platform that lets you organize your Spaces, lists & links.
If someone has shared a Space with you, (bonus points for using Hero for Slack), and you think it's good enough for you to want to save it for later, all you have to do is:
1. Click “See More” on the Hero Space Preview
2. Click “View this Space in your Browser!”
3. Make sure you're Signed in, and if you don't have an account, sign up for free!
4. Then, click “Save” on the bottom right corner of the Space.
Voila! That's how easy it is to save a Space! You'll be able to find your saved spaces on the “Saved” page!
That's all folks! That's how you complexity something simple, only to then be rewarded with an even simpler solution!
We are really proud of Hero for Slack and would love it if you gave it a go.
We're obsessed with feedback and always improving Hero, so let us know if you have any suggestions, or if you have any feature requests.
Looking for the magic button?
Click "Add to Slack" below, and "Allow" Hero to run on your Slack Workspace, to enjoy the duality of links.
We believe that Hero is the best way to share multiple links on one page. If you want to share multiple links, you're in the right space!
If you have any questions (or feature requests) let us know! You can reach us at hello@herospace.app
Want to explore more of Hero's features?
Check out the Best Ways to Share a List of Links